
Monday, July 15, 2013

Laying Sunny Down

I showed up for lessons without knowing what was on the agenda.  Shana was with another student so I went in the corrals and got Sunny.  This part is getting easy.  Sunny comes to me with eagerness and loves to be loved on.  I took her down to the arena where I was met by 3 young kids and I was surprised to see that Shana's student was about 5.  Haha!  Gee's I felt old. 

Anyhow... I worked with Sunny while Shana finished up.  She did everything as I asked.  I knew it was going to be a good night.  Shana informed me we were going to work on laying Sunny down with the help of her husband Greg.  I watched as Greg and Shana tied Sunny up.  Her front left foot was tied up into her body while they tied another rope around her front right foot and up and around her body. 

Laying Sunny Down

Poor Sunny!  She didn't know what to think.  Trying to get out of the situation she kicked and reared up.  But she finally gave in and to my surprise after a bit of work she laid down.  Greg laid on top of her and she slowly began to relax.  Eventually letting out a big sigh... and then another.  Then they untied her legs and let her get up on her own time.

Laying Sunny Down

Then it was my turn to join in all the fun.  Shana tied and I held the lead rope.  As Shana was tying Sunny was already trying to kneel down, making it that much harder to get the rope around her feet.   She eventually went down and we loved on her and I laid on her.  When it was time for her to get up she didn't move.  She just laid there relaxed.  We had to put the pressure on her to get up.  We do everything in threes... which meant she needed to do it one more time.  The third time I had to do it by myself (with Shana's guidance and help of course), Sunny went down pretty easy and I loved on her some more. 

When it was time for her to get up, she went half way, I got on Sunny's back and she stood the rest of the way up.  It was awesome!  I didn't even fall off!  Tonight's lesson was amazing. 

Laying Sunny Down

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