
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I'm Back!  Been super busy.... and I'm not sure why because winter is normally super boring in the evenings!  Have added some new animals to our family... and lost a few... sad day at the Frankovich farm!

We "rescued" a cute little sheltie from the pound here and decided to call her Zella. She won my heart over when I went to the pound to see her, she was a stray and I can't believe her owners didn't claim her.  We just love her.  Other than her barking.  We are working on that, but she is super talkative.

Zella, not sure how anyone could resist this face!
Zella and Miss Cleo in matching sweaters, they are BFF's!
 In November, we acquired two new mini horses.  Penny and Gus.  Penny is 4 and Gus is 2, they are brother and sister and Gus was in pretty rough shape when we got him.  I've been working on fattening him up and his little personality is really starting to show.  They have been so much fun!

On a cold day in December, I went outside to check on my chickens and to my dismay... there were a lot of feathers but only 2 chickens.  We live on a canal so I went to investigate and see if they were playing in the dry canal, which they like to do in the winter.  More feathers, blood but no chickens.  I lost 12 chickens in one night.  Sad! Not going to lie, I cried! I had lost my porch rooster, Hope the week before and now I only have 3 lonely chickens (my brother brought a lone chicken over that they had).

We brought Sunny home from Dry Fork.... more on that later!


We are trying to sell our house.  (if you know anyone that's looking) We are currently working on house plans to build a new house.  But we need to sell our house before we can start building. I'm so excited for our new house!  We will be living with my parents if/when we sell our house so I have to stop getting new animals for awhile... says my Dad. I can't wait to have our horses in our backyard! That day can't come soon enough!

House plans with redline changes

On a side note... I hate the new editor for pictures on this blog site... anybody know of a good app to add text to pictures?  I've tried a few but haven't found one that I like.

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